Board Game Drawings


Board Game Drawing #1 (Corporeal Chronologies, 1/29/16 – 2/7/16)

Created for the Corporeal Chronologies show at Elastic Wall Projects, Board Game Drawing #1 was an interactive and collaborative artwork that combined traditional drawing tools (pens, pencils, rubber stamps, spray bottles) and methods with board game-like elements of chance and decision-making. Visitors sat at one of two tables covered in hand-drawn playing boards and picked cards from the playing card piles. Each card had different directions to follow using the playing boards and drawing tools, such as rolling dice, asking questions of other visitors, spraying and smearing pen marks with a water sprayer, drawing patterns, counting, writing, etc. The playing boards were filled with a wide variety of hand-drawn patterns and words made by dozens of people who interacted with the piece over the course of the two week show.



16_4d3 16_4d8
