About the Fiery Arms project:
Fiery Arms is a multidimensional, collaborative art project involving drawing, video, text, photography, printmaking, sculpture and performance. Fiery Arms was originally conceived by San Francisco-based artist Trevor Tubelle as a response to the Newtown school massacre and as a commentary on the political and social factors surrounding gun violence. It has evolved into a creative vehicle for exploring divisive, misleading and manipulative language, imagery and symbolism used by various individuals/organizations that lead to fear and violence. The central goal of this project is to expose, undermine and transform this type of harmful and dangerous communication through creative satire and plain old American nonsense.

What is a Fiery Arm?
A literal play on the word “firearm,” a Fiery Arm is, on the surface, an image of a disembodied human arm that looks very hot because it is on fire! Below the surface, it is a symbol of thoughtless violence pushed to an absurdly humorous, yet vaguely unsettling, level. In the curious logic of this project, “hardworking, honorable patriots cherish their constitutional right to flap and wield Fiery Arms for defense and other unspecified, yet virtuous, purposes.”
About FLAP (Fiery League of Arms Partnership):
FLAP is the quasi-organization component of the Fiery Arms project that asserts it is “dedicated to defending your freedoms and preserving your right to bear Fiery Arms.” It also claims “our freedoms are under constant attack by the political and media ‘elites.’ These arrogant people think they can take away our God-given birthright to defend ourselves and our families—but FLAP will not stand for this!”
FLAP Recruiting Video:
Join FLAP:
Ours is an organization of honest, hardworking people who share your way of life and will fight with you for our common, God-given freedoms. Join with thousands of true Americans who are standing up for liberty by sending a message of defiance to the political elites in Washington, the media elites in New York and Los Angeles, the cultural elites in San Francisco, and the intellectual elites in Boston—you don’t rule us, we are already free!
Contact us if you’re interested in joining FLAP or becoming a FLAP Certified Good Guy.

FLAP Core Values:
- Freedom (to wield Fiery Arms)
- Responsibility (to protect & defend ourselves)
- Duty (to join forces with FLAP)
- Honor (uphold our creed)
- Truth (share reality as you see it)
FLAP Common Sense Slogans & Solutions:
- Real patriots know the only thing that stops a Bad Guy with a Fiery Arm is a Good Guy with a Fiery Arm.
- We cannot leave our great nation’s children utterly defenseless! That’s why we know they would be safer if every school in our great nation had a FLAP certified Good Guy with a Fiery Arm to protect them.
- More Fiery Arms used for defense means fewer Fiery Arms available for offense.
- Chesten Charlatan LaGuerre, President of FLAP says: “From my hot, live, Fiery Arms!”
FLAP “Carry Openly” Video:
Our Collaborators:
Video production & editing: Shane King of Mission Pictures www.missionpicturessf.com

Letterpress printing & consulting: Rhiannon Alpers www.gazelleandgoat.com & www.rhiannonalpers.com

Thespians in the videos: Larry Tubelle, Ellie Wallace-Werthman, Bayden Tubelle & Cypress Tubelle

All-around support: Jessica Buchsbaum

Music for the videos: “Americana,” “Dangerous,” & “Take a Chance” by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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